Honey Bee Network
The Honey Bee Network (HBN) is a social movement supported by a large number of volunteers .
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Honey Bee Network
SRISTI, AES Boys Hostel Campus, Near Gujarat University Library & SBI Bank, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad-380 009, Gujarat, India.
© 2023 Honeybeenetwork, All Rights Reserved. | Design By Brainamaze
2 Replies to “Just An hour a week; opening the doors for an innovator”
11 Apr 2016Dear Sir ,
One year back i designed a project to solve the problem of rural India ….a e- ricksaw with solar pannel ………… and attachement with road cleaner …which not only can be used for the transportation but also for the education power backup and for many more …. but i cound not find a way to get a way to register for patent ….. and fund to implement this idea ……. and now i found that a company got patent for that solar power e ricksaw …… i m happy for that …………..but i m so sad that youth of this country have lot of ideas …….. but do not have support of gov or any organisation….Now I found that why youth want to go USA because in India Gov….policies r only on papers……………………at ground or in small cities people have lot of ideas but do not have how to implement then legally …. i have a humble request to you please make a Rural innovation Dept in each city……..so the people of Rural area can also get patent of their ideas……… in this patent driven economy………please guide me also for that how can i be part of it ……I came to know that you are helping people for that . I am so sorry if i said something wrong in emotions. i do not have money and skill to be part of the IIM -A but have a sound mind .
mobile no… 8285771878
25 Apr 2016i am a self appointed innovator – solved many commonly known problems…
can you guide me.